30 by 30 – The New Climate Target
A look at the 30 by 30 strategy to address the conservation of biological diversity in a world affected by anthropogenic Climate Change, it's history, scientific underpinnings and future.
Climate Change & Data Science
Season 2 opener as well as an interview with South of 2 Degree's new lead data scientist
How to Talk About Climate Change
A discussion on how to talk about climate change using both social science along with climate science in a way that invites others in.
The Paris Accord & Where the United States Stands
A look at the Paris Accord, what the commitment really is and where the US stands today after leaving the Accord.
The Siberian Heatwave of 2020
A look at the temperature trends across the first two thirds of 2020 in the Siberian Arctic giving rise to the conditions that led to the record breaking temperature spike on June 20, 2020 in the town of Verkhoyansk.
Fires in the Taiga
A look at how fires in the North American Taiga shape the biome and how the Fire Weather Index misses the mark when forecasting carbon combustion.
Are EU Mayors Leading the Fight on Climate Change?
A look at the performance of EU cities party to the EU Covenant of Mayors with regards to reducing emission and some fascinating extrapolations from the analysis
Show Update & Look to the Future
An update on the show, a look at where it's going and addressing listener feedback
India’s Renewable Future
A look into the potential of India to lead in the renewable transition to fight anthropogenic Climate Change.
What Stands In Our Way – Part 3: Breaking Down Deniers
A scientific look at the structure of the arguments climate delayers and climate deniers use to attempt to refute the body of scientific fact.