Brian Barnes

Managing  Director  &  Podcast  Host

Recognized for his insight on communicating complex scientific research in relatable terms, Brian has been brought in to keynote at NASA and the U.S. Dept of the Interior for their Climate Risks, Impacts, and Adaptations forum and has served on panels on anthropogenic Climate Change and  governmental policy for the likes of  the European Commission’s Government Aftershock program and countless  nonprofits. Recent accomplishments aside, Brian has been an environmental champion for decades.


An  avid  adventurer,  climber,  and  mountaineer,  Brian  fell  in  love  with  the  outdoors  at  an  early  age.  After  receiving  a  dual  degree  in  both  Marine  Engineering  and Nautical  Science  from  the  prestigious United  States  Merchant  Marine  Academy,  Brian  served  11  years  in  the  U.S.  Naval  Reserve  and  traveled  the  world. He  then  went  on  to  receive  an  MBA  from  Washington University  in  St.  Louis  and  spent  the  next  decade  running  one  of  the  world’s  largest  marine  generator  manufacturing  businesses  where  he  quickly  became  a  leading  expert  in  marine  power  generation,  emissions,  and  environmental policy.


In  2012  Brian,  fed  up  with  what  he  saw  as  uneducated  policy  makers,  ran  for  United  States  Congress.  Sadly,  he  was  before  his  time  in  speaking  out  on  environmental  policy  and  lost  narrowly  in  the  general election.


In  2016  Brian  moved  to  Australia where he  became  a  champion  sailor  and  spent  a  large  amount  of  time  looking  at  many  U.S.  policies  from  an  international  perspective.  Upon  returning  to  the  States,  Brian  decided  that  there  was  a  severe  lack  of  understanding of  the  facts  and  scientific  information  on  a  global  scale  and  committed  to  finding  a  way  to  remedy  the  issue.


With  that  goal  in  mind,  Brian  launched  South  of  2  Degrees  in  2020  to  fill  the  information  void  on  anthropogenic Climate Change that so  many  of  us  face in  a  modern  world  where  people  don‘t  know  what  information to  trust.

Sarah Hoessler

Lead Data Scientist

Sarah grew up in France where her father taught her the love of food – and mathematics – from an early age. As a student, she ticked all the boxes, and went on to get a Masters degree in Statistics in Paris. From her mom, Sarah got her love for languages and an uncanny inability to understand humor. The former drew her all the way to China for 6 years of study and work, and now further to New Zealand where she resides with her husband and two sons. 


Since 2010, Sarah has worked in the automotive, energy and B2B retail sectors, in mid- to mammoth-sized corporations, on analyst roles. She is now an expert in data-informed decision making and influencing, at all levels of a company, from the operator to the C-level executive.


Sarah’s eco-conscience bloomed in her 30s, as she endeavored to make data-informed choices about food with the aim to maximize her young family’s long term health. Vegan, flexi, paleo, keto, no sugar, there are so many paths that the more she researched about nutrition, the more overwhelmed she felt. When she discovered that it is not so much what we eat but how we produce it that matters most for our health, it all started to make sense to her. Her aha moment happened when she understood the deep connection between human health, plant health and soil health. Taking care of the planet suddenly no longer felt like a chore but like a mission with a direct personal stake in it. 


The second best option after converting to becoming a regenerative farmer was for Sarah to use her skills and contribute and make healthy soil an available and more visible choice, for consumers, for farmers, and for our policy makers. It is her privilege to share her doubts, struggles and moments of joy on her path with other fellow humans.