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Important updates from the South of 2 Degrees team
COP28 Draft Text
Full text of final COP28 agreement The Conference of the Parties (COP) stands as a pivotal and recurrent assembly within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), an instrumental treaty initiated in 1992 to forge a collective response to the burgeoning global challenge of climate change. This multifaceted gathering brings together representatives from nearly 200 nations, spanning government officials, negotiators, and various stakeholders, coalescing to engage in substantive discussions and negotiations on strategies and initiatives aimed at combatting climate change. Year after year, COP meetings serve as the nexus for evaluating progress in both mitigating and adapting to climate change, embodying a unique confluence of diplomatic efforts and…
Welcome to the new South of 2 Degrees
We are so excited to be launching a new site – just for you. Over the next several weeks we will be rolling out a whole host of new features… everyone coming from a request from you. Make sure you check back often to see what we’ve put together for you. Until then, tell one other person about us. Have at least one conversation about Climate Change with someone else, and above all keep it South of 2 Degrees. Cheers, The So2D team