• Season 3 Wrap-up

    A look at where both the South of 2 Degrees podcast and the climate conversation has been over the past 3 years and where both are going. Plus a quick look at climate change related events that you will likely hear about over the next several months. **Season 4 is coming in the Fall (Spring for the Global South) of 2023** email: podcast@southof2degrees.org for feedback

  • The High Seas Treaty

    A deep dive into the new United Nation's Treaty on the High Seas (officially Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction or BBNJ) and how this  groundbreaking agreement will protect biodiversity through the establishment of marine protected areas, but also assist us all as we look to fight Climate Change & the ongoing climate crisis.

  • Net Zero

    An approachable yet informative look at Net Zero – what it actually means, where it has gone tragically wrong, and how it can actually be structured to be an effective goal as we fight anthropogenic Climate Change.

  • President Whipps, the President of Palau

    Indigenous voices are critical to hear & elevating them is of crucial importance! An exclusive interview with a Head of State discussing his vision as both a leader on the world stage & and advocate for his fellow native people of Paula as he works to fight the climate crisis and biodiversity loss. This is a collaborative interview between Brian Barnes of South of 2 Degrees and Cait Bagby of the Guilty Greenie podcast released originally under Climate Collab with special guest, his Excellency, the President of Palau, President Whipps

  • The Story

    A look at three stories underlying the importance Climate Change, biodiversity loss, and the natural systems around us as South of 2 Degrees kicks off it's 3rd season.